الأربعاء، 15 أبريل 2015

For how much I was able to pump up?

Hi, what I tell you today, no new information to many.   However, since our ranks regularly come new people, this theme does not lose its relevance.    After all, every person before you start to do something first plans and measures   costs that he would have to apply for it.   Including the most important resource person - time.   That is why today I wanted to give as much as possible honest answer to this question.

Unfortunately, most athletes and coaches can not plan the stages of muscle growth, because not imagine their existence.   Now I will try to explain to you   how to plan your muscle growth and, consequently, how much you can pump them.
Newcomers are always asking: how much I pumped?   The only question first raises a smile. After a couple of years, these issues cause only irritation of any coach.   Do you know why? Therefore, it is a philosophical question that can not be answered without knowing thoroughly individual.
After all, people are very different genetic potential, financial capabilities and even motivation. I'm not talking about the level of knowledge, which is often the deciding factor: someone engaged idiocy from year to year, and someone correct workouts.    Often you can hear something in the style: the first year in the gym, you can add 3-5 kg.   Whom is this? What is mass? What kind of training?    It's all subjective as hell.   I, for example, not even added pounds in the first year of their studies, because the training is not correct. And the other guy with good genetics added 8 kg.     And the third with a good genetics, motivation and true knowledge added 15 kg.   Do you realize how huge number of factors will affect your growth?
Moreover, if you want to achieve the most rapid growth of your muscles, you need to not just know these factors, but also consider them when planning your growth. Because the successful planning reduces the time and resources to achieve the maximum.    A successful planning, this is   ability to set achievable goals. That is such   purpose   that you can achieve with all of those factors (genetics, nutrition, knowledge) that you have.  
You can schedule the arm 50 cm ... and break off.   If you now hand 37 cm and no way to feed quality, even 38 cm would be difficult achievement.   And see that the "50 Plan" is not reached, you frustrated and throw a "hopeless case."   Everything takes place in the same way as any other business.   The only difference is that bodybuilding is much more difficult   and requires more attention than any business.  
Never place a complex goal! Always put achievable goals!
37 you see the hand? Do you want to see 50?    So give yourself attainable   the problem in the next 5 months - to increase up to 38 cm hand.    Then set the task to increase   to 39 ... Well, there already coveted 40-kw is not far off.   Gradualism and reality tasks will always encourage you to new higher achievement.    And when your hand is 49 cm, and will stand in front of 50, you just burst out laughing:   I went through the most difficult 11 cm ... and here   I stayed   the only one. Fear me, I'm on my way!
 All right. Let's still try to "obyat immense" and then at least give some tentative time benchmarks to achieve the desired size.   We take absolutely the average person.   Let this be a man (man). 178 cm, and 70 lbs.   Not skinny and not fat.   With average economic opportunities. In other words, he can afford to eat enough animal protein (dairy products, eggs, meat, fish), but he did not have enough money to buy a specialized sports nutrition.   The situation is completely natural in our country.     This guy has a serious desire (motivation) for training,   and does not consider himself the most intelligent (ie, ready to perform the useful advice that I give him).   How did he plan your progress and how much time will it take?
The progress of any human being built in four   Stage:
  1. Stage. Preparing the body for hypertrophy.   (2-4 months)
  2. Stage. Hypertrophy (2 years)
  3. Stage. Hyperplasia (+ 1-2 years)
  4. Stage. System adaptation.
Stage prepare the body for future growth, the shortest time (lasts a couple of months), but plays a crucial role in the future growth.
Training with weights is very severe stress for all systems of the body. When this stress begins to repeat regularly, the body begins to rebuild all of their systems in such a way to spend less energy and suffer less from such stress.
The first thing that starts to change our body, it is a system of energy supply.   Muscle contractions require large amounts of energy, so the body begins to learn to store and release large amounts of it than it was before.   Increases glycogen and ATP in the muscle. It speeds up the enzymes affecting the energy exchange processes.
Parallel muscles learn to work more efficiently, ie spend less energy to perform new exercises.   This is achieved by a more coherent work of muscles (motor units) under the influence of the central nervous system.   More friendly than twitch muscle fibers, the less energy you need to do the work.   In practice, this is reflected in a sharp increase in strength.    The man on the first lesson stings 50 kg barbell and a month later easily shakes 60-70 kg.   Not because his muscles were larger, but because they have learned to work more efficiently. Yes, you probably have noticed yourself that when you start a new exercise to do, the result is not the same as a month or two of his regular practice. Muscles are learning!   

That is why the first few months to work with small weights, but very technical.   At this time we are not talking about the growth of muscles. The idea is to teach them to work properly.    The beginner should carefully follow the technique, trying to make it perfect in the main basic exercises.   After all, if he learns to feel and to reduce their muscles correctly, its further progress will first quickly, and secondly, in the right direction. Muscles will work as they should and will only apply gradual load for their growth.
Furthermore, in the first few months providing improved transport nutrients muscle (blood, oxygen, proteins, energy, etc.) due to the proliferation of the capillary network.
Bone ligaments also adapt to the new load.   Thickens, increasing muscle strength potential.   This is another reason in favor of lighter weights. Give your body time to get used to the new stress.
After a couple of months of the organism to adapt to a new regular stress in the gym.   Muscles become more by improving blood flow and due to the accumulation of energy reserves.   BUT, it's not muscle growth (myofibrils), this growth "sopravozhdayuschih" systems.   However, the muscles become more visually. In addition, as I said, a dramatic leap growth forces. Man can add strength and 10-20% of 2-4 kg body weight for these two months. Its appearance is definitely changing for the better.    However, after a couple of months, the growth of power and the "masses" of the brakes. Why?   And because it had never been! Was the growth of the efficiency of the muscles and the growth of "accompanying" muscle systems.    But muscle growth ... it is already happening during the second phase of ...
The second stage -   STAGE muscle hypertrophy begins in a few months (2-4 months) after the start of training in the gym.   This phase starts   after all body systems are prepared for such growth.   Until after the 1st stage, the second will not. As long as you have not set up your power supply and properly, there will be no significant muscle hypertrophy.   While the body can be improved (to adapt to the training) is a cheaper way (growth of energy and neuro muscular bonds) it will not use more "expensive" ways (muscle cell growth), because it is not profitable.
The essence of this stage in the maximum "blow-up" of existing muscle fibers (muscle cells).   This step is not so long as he thinks most athletes. People for some reason think that we need many, many years to maximize their muscle buildup.   This is not so.   Muscle cell is inflated to its maximum size for 2 years !!! In other words, in order to realize the maximum potential of growth (hypertrophy) of the existing muscle fibers enough for 2 years.
In numbers, it looks like this: the first couple of months newcomer raises his weight from 70 kg to 72-74 kg. And for the next two years, he can actually reach the limit of the increase of the existing muscle fibers, which will result in a raise of 10-15 kg for the first year   + 5.10 kg for the second year.    On average beginner with an average build, if not "click beak" and does everything for Science,   can really lift your weight from 70 to 90 kg for a couple of years.   This is not a competitive form with 5% fat, of course.   This "dirty mass" with easy Zhirkov.
How could grow further if the muscle fibers increased to its maximum and no longer increase in its size? If you do not grow existing muscle cells, it is necessary to create new muscle cells that do not yet have a "foundation for growth" in the volume.
So we come to the third stage of muscle hyperplasia.   The essence of this stage is that we are using a special high-volume training with weights reach the lightweight division of the muscle fibers.    The newly formed fibers can grow and provide an additional volume of our muscles.
If you're up to this point have reached their "ceiling" hypertrophy, go to high volume training have the opportunity to significantly increase the size of their muscles through the formation of new muscle cells.   In numbers, this is expressed in extra 5-10 pounds of muscle for 1-2 years.   Ie our beginner, if you do everything right has a chance to increase your weight from 70 kg to 95-100 kg. 

By the way, most bodybuilders intuitively combine   2nd and 3rd stage in a long-term 3-4 year phase of the maximum recruitment of muscle mass.   This has a lot of sense, because when you train in parallel and hypertrophy and hyperplasia, they help each other, and therefore   Your progress is much faster.
Now remember, the absolute ceiling system of the organism in terms of muscle growth can be achieved   3-4 years. Further progress will stop.   How to renew?   It is necessary to raise the body's system capabilities in order to serve it allowed more muscle.
This last, the fourth stage I call the stages of systems of adaptation. The essence of it is that you develop all the other systems of the body, which limit the growth of your muscles.   You "expand and strengthening the foundation" in order to increase the building height.   Working on energy, heart, blood,   nerve, tendon and other systems, so that they become more powerful and allow you to build more muscle.
This is what allows you to build on this huge muscles, but few people can understand and use. That is why very few people have the present huge muscles.
This step has no deadlines.   The man who came to his understanding - a true professional.   He can "reinforcing its foundation" as much as he needs, building more and bigger muscles.   A man decides to stop him when and what to pay more   attention in its development.  
Conclusion: if your goal is big muscles, it is best to stick to a certain plan.   First, spend 2-4 months to prepare the body and muscles for future growth, then 3-5 years to train for hypertrophy and hyperplasia of reaching genetic ceiling.   Then you need much more attention to the rest of the body's systems, and the use of periodization   varied workout.    Reach 90 kg for a couple of years very easily.   I know a lot of guys who have increased their weight from 70 kg to 100 kg for 2-5 years without pharmacology !!!   The main thing is to have a desire to learn and move forward meaningfully.

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