الاثنين، 13 أبريل 2015

Block simulators: Yes and No

MYTH: Blocks - it is isolated exercise, and the bar - it is basic exercises.
This is not so. Because differentiation occurs depending on the number of joints. If the motion is in one joint, it IZALIROVANNOE exercise. And if two or more basic exercise it. By the way so often isolated exercises are called ODNOSUSTAVNYMI and basic - polyarticular.
So, it is clear that e st weight exercises on units in which is activated once a lot of joints (the same mode or pull in the simulator). Therefore, do exercises on the block, does not mean always doing insulation. Moreover there are a lot of exercises with barbells and dumbbells, which is only one joint (eg French press or barbell biceps Wake up). It turns out with dumbbells and barbell not always - the basic tools.
CONCLUSION: BLOCKS suitable for basic exercises

MYTH: The blocks do not raise a lot of, and make only the form.

Around a lot of different errors. Including misconceptions about the shape of the muscles. The fact that the shape of the muscles - is laid genetically. Ie it is independent of the exercise. It depends on your parents. If you have a genetically "high peak" biceps like Arnold, then get to do the same luxury as his biceps. If not, how would you have not done carefully concentrated ups for biceps, nothing happens.
CONCLUSION: The exercise does not change the shape of the muscles, but only their size
Where did the belief that work on the block - this is the work on the shape and relief, and work with a barbell on the weight of the work? I suspect it is a delusion born in connection with the observations before the competition for skilled athletes. It's no secret that during the "drying" is used a diet that forces reduces the maximum weight and switch to safer forms of exercise because it does not have enough strength and energy for basic operation.
By and large, during drying the athlete is no question muscle gain at all. The question is the preservation of what is already there. In such circumstances, the use of heavy basic exercises for gaining lean muscle is not justified. And what makes an athlete? He moves to safer forms of exercise - uses blocks.
BUT he does it not because the block "dried" or "form" muscles. He does it because BLOCKS making it easier and safer traditional exercises. This is especially true in a limited supply of energy when the correct technique in heavy basic exercises are simply not enough. Rod can wobble. Joints worse grease from the limited consumption. Risk of injury increases. It is logical that this person is trying to reduce the risk of moving to a less dangerous form of exercise when required by the "hungry" body.
Watching it all from the outside, people do traditional error: putting the cart before the horse. Confuse cause and effect. Athletes using blocks because it's dried, not dried due to the blocks.
CONCLUSION: Block is dried (dry only drawback calories)
All right. The question arises: if the blocks are less dangerous thing, then how?
There are two things fundamentally affecting the safety of the exercise:
  • The motion vector of the projectile
  • Muscle work STABILIZERS
Muscle regulators - are small muscles that "stabilize" our hands in the right direction during the exercise. Imagine bench press. Your motion vector (direction) - up from the chest. Most of the work is performed thoracic, triceps and front delts. And why at the highest point, with straightened arms, rod does not fall on the hip or leans his head? Indeed, in these areas, the core muscles do not hold it. That's right! Because of muscle STABILIZERS!
  • So THAN projectile motion vector more freedom, the exercise is more dangerous!
  • The more you work the muscles stabilizers TEM exercise more dangerous!
The thing is that the rod can "go there" (filled up), if the forces stabilizing muscles are not enough. This can often occur for two reasons:
  • weakened body (diet, illness, etc.) or
  • not supplied equipment (it happens to all newcomers)
The essence of all units: constant vector projectile motion when you turn off the stabilizer MUSCLES!
Whichever unit you use, there is always a "constant vector" movement. Rod or moves to stop (as in Smith) or consistency direction is achieved by ropes or linkage (as in Humvees).
All this is doing exercises on the blocks is much safer than any exercises with free weights.

WHY Block is used to dial MUSCLES

Well, firstly, it is not. Use. And how. There are a number of exercises on the blocks that make all the professionals. Such as vertical or horizontal thrust block. In the phase of mass recruitment of doing everything, because it is more convenient to manipulate block allows weight. Instead of that to catch up with the clumsy technique, a person uses a perfect technique and widest load carrying lighter analogue on the block - the top link.
A link arm (Humvees)? They do the same for almost all Profikom weight. In general, there is a very noticeable trend. The more experienced athlete, the more and more he uses a block of work even in the phase of mass recruitment.
Because when you get to the leg press for half a ton, and rods for 200 kg, you will realize that to continue to grow in weight basic exercises becomes very dangerous for your bones and joints.
In such conditions, it becomes logical to use an increasing number of exercise less hazardous to the blocks. This is well understood by professionals.
In addition, for many years of training they have learned so effectively reduce their muscles, they can train them even carrying suitcases out of the room. So for these blocks in times much more effective than any newcomer.
CONCLUSION: block Suitable for weight gain, but not all
Effectively to gain muscle mass using the block can only be one person who has learned how to make it more simple way using basic exercises. If a beginner sets itself to a set of muscle mass using the blocks, then it will not work.

Why for most blocks do not fit?

Because most of the muscles needed! A blocks less raise muscle than free weights. Ok Why worse? This has been proved by many generations of successful bodybuilders. The more novice "sinks" into blocks, the less chance that he will be great. 100% output set empirically.
I think the case in the muscles and stabilizers as neuromuscular connections. The more help, the less work, the less the result. People will never learn to swim, if he constantly will help support. After the block, in fact, this "support" facilitates the exercise. Because any unit removes the need for the work of a number of muscles (the stabilizers). What else is half woes. Much worse is that with such a lightweight work orders from the central nervous system are much lighter character. Accordingly, the response of muscle strength and muscle contraction is less than the heavier exercises with free weights.
It turns out that the man has not learned to walk, and already wants to fly, watching the pictures in magazines. If you have not developed an effective nerve muscle connection years of training with free weights, the blocks will not help you grow muscles.
Yes, they will make the exercise more secure by its relief. Yes, many blocks to help you better feel the working muscles than Rod. BUT blocks for facilitating grown worse weight than free weights.
BLOCKS are different
Which then blocks closer to the free weights, and which is further. Some embodiments exercises unit as close to the free weights (e.g. vertical thrust block), and which is very far removed from them (e.g. butterfly), and therefore will not increase the weight.
Exemplary efficiency of the unit downward
  • Leg press, Hack
  • The upper and lower links (cables and Hummers)
  • Presses in the gym and "Smitty"
  • flexion and extension of the legs (isolated, but work and for beginners)
Then we're isolated exercises on the blocks that for a set of mass makes sense to do only experienced athletes
  • information direct hand (butterfly, etc.)
  • triceps extensions
  • Flexing biceps
As you can see, the basic exercises (bench presses and traction) are acceptable at work on a lot of beginners. Moreover, if the presses, I have been in doubt, traction - it's definitely a good decision, because in all simulators for traction always work more than one joint.
But when we start talking about isolated exercises on the blocks, then there is need to clearly recall that for a set of muscle mass for beginners it's not working!
That's why there are so negative in the shower, when you see the next new "dryscha" took the block frame for half an hour. You just know that he is engaged in masturbation. The result will not be other than wasting time. Any experienced athlete outraged when such drysch wasting people's time to empty without giving exercise to do to him to whom it is really necessary. All you regularly see such "super champions" in his room.

Angles and LOAD
The unit - this is one way the load application to your muscles. That's all. It is not necessary to idealize. As well as do not need to consider it useless thing. Everything has its time and place. The block has many advantages over free weights, in addition to security.
In this regard, of particular interest CORNER load application. In block simulator it can fundamentally different from free weights. After all, free weight obeys force of Earth's gravity, obedient to her, he pulls straight down. And the unit is different. He reports to the arm or a rope with a roller. Ie vector (angle of load application) can be anything. And it's great facilitates isolation needed muscle.
For example, two variants of the same movement - low thrust. It can be done using ROD rod in the slope (attraction pulls straight down), or by GORIZONATLNOY ROD in the simulator (rope pulls horizontally). It seems that the load has one goal. But in the first case, you have to strain your legs, lower back and a lot of muscle stabilizers. You find it difficult to think about back at this time. But in the second case, you sit: the load on the legs and there are no minimum load on the extensors. You are very convenient to cut what you need, thinking back during movement.
By the way, a well-known T-neck, this is essentially the same simulator !!! Ie this is a classic simulator lever type. But how comfortable do pull it instead thrust rod in the slope.
Or yet another example. At this time, the isolated exercise. Curls for biceps. In block frame, you can bend the hand pulling a rope upper roller. Ie flexing biceps occurs from the top down. Unique load angle, possible only in the simulator, because it is not subject to a vertical force of gravity.

 As you can see, the blocks provide a much greater variety of load vectors than free weights. But given the fact that they are "worse" involve muscle stabilizers, can be recommended to use the blocks after heavy basic exercises with free weights.
Ie experienced athletes can do the first couple of exercises with free weights, and after muscle fatigue leads to a block. It is important to understand that progress can load and need to track in these first exercises with barbells and dumbbells. A subsequent "deep depletion" of muscles can be done already on the block. BUT, again, this is not for beginners!
All right. Let's try to summarize as a summary and understand who and when you can or can not do the exercises on the blocks.
  • Big boy drying could and should include units in training. This will help avoid injury and to work in different corners.
  • Big boy on the masses can be because they have learned to effectively reduce their muscles and blocks will work for them. This is especially true of blocks in polyarticular exercises (rods and zhimah)
  • Little boys are interested in weight, NOT accented on the blocks (exception - traction, flexion-extension), because they have not yet developed the muscular sense to do so.
  • Little boy and girl is not interested in the mass (fitness or exercise), you can do the exercises on the block, because it is safer for health
  • In any case, to begin training in most cases you need with a heavy free weights, and only then move on to the "light" POWER in order to "drain the deep" muscle.
  • 90% of people who read this, work on the block REQUIRED! Well, with the remaining 10%, it's all somehow already know yourself!

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