am corresponding with a large number of athletes and therefore today
decided to raise a topic such as counterfeit growth hormone, which is
often called "Feykovym" from the English. Fake (fake). The theme is extremely urgent because vskidku 75% of growth hormone (GH), which are sold in the CIS - the fake.
At best, they comprise several times less active substance than stated
on the package, and at worst not at all contain the growth hormone. This situation has taken such great magnitude that requires clarification.
Any chemical which can independently generate the house (such as for
example an alcohol or sodium hydroxybutyrate), and there are those which
are too difficult to manufacture and requires a full cycle of a
chemical plant. Growth Hormone - it is such a substance. Its production is not possible in the home. Judge for yourself.
At the moment, there are three possibilities of creating GR:
- RECOMBINANT GR. To do this, take the stamp of coliform bacteria called Escherichia coli and CHANGE !!! gentotip her so that she synthesized human growth hormone! This technology is the newest and the best, because thus formed hormone closest to the human, and therefore to him almost no antibodies are formed.
- Synthetic GH. To do this via chemical synthesis to create a DNA fragment comprising the first 24 amino acid of GR. And what about the other amino acids? This information is used for the RNA extracted from the human pituitary cells. Is not straightforward. Right?
- ANIMAL GR. This requires a human corpse. Rather his pituitary gland, from which is extracted using hoods HGH. So at the beginning of GH produced until notice sets pobochek (transfer of disease from the deceased, joint pain, etc.). So now this mode of production is prohibited throughout the world.
As you can see, any of these three methods is difficult, to put it mildly, at home. "Assemble on the knee" where be in the basement of a qualitative Growth Hormone definitely not. But ... you can "collect" is not a quality. Or even pour in a bottle the other (cheaper) stuff and sell it as an expensive growth hormone. Why? Another grandfather Marx wrote that there is no crime for which the capitalist would not go for 300% profit. Everything would be fine if GH was working. But this is not so!
At the moment, licensed (received certificates) following growth hormone:
- Ansomon (China, Anhui Anke Biotechnology Co., Ltd.)
- Dzhintropin (China, Gensci Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)
- Dinatrop actively licensed (Iran, Dynamic Development)
These are the GR to which attention should be paid in the first place if you do not want to risk it.
These hormones are optimal in terms of price-KACHESTOVO because they
are similar in quality to European manufacturers, but it is 4-5 times
cheaper. For example, in Europe GR costs an average of $ 12-20 per 1 unit. Ie 10 TKA there will cost you $ 100-200 and we $ 25. The difference in the face. The reason for this difference in the cheaper "working hands" outside Europe. Not for nothing that the most famous of GH produced in China.
China (already 4 companies produce growth hormone):
- Jintropin (Gensci Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)
- Ansomone (somatrem) (Anhui Anke Biotechnology Co., Ltd.)
- Hygetropin (Hygene Biopharm Co., Ltd.)
- Hypertropin (NeoGenica BioScience Ltd.)
The first two are licensed in our country, and have good quality assurance.
Generally, serious company manufacturers are constantly creating new
ways to protect their products, in order to fight counterfeiting.
"Dzhintropin" and "Dinatrop", for example, have a protective STICKER, under which there is a unique number (ANTI-COUNTERFEITING CODE),
which is entering the manufacturer's website you can easily find out
whether this was done packing enterprise esteemed firm or was "sleplena
on the knee "anywhere on the Little Arnaut in Odessa.
GH growth which has received a state license is good not only because it contains what is stated. It is good also because it is transported and stored in the pre sales training.
Storage growth hormone generally a separate issue. And it's very important, because if not correct storage GH loses its activity.
Shelf life diluted Growth Hormone (powder) depending on the temperature:
- 2 ... + 8 C (refrigerator) GR powder can be stored 1-3 years.
- +8 ... + 37 C (without refrigeration) powder GR lives 1-2 months.
- +37 ... + 45 ° C (the sun in summer) powder survive 1 week.
Note that if not properly stored, even if the vial was formerly GR, but now it is no longer there. Proper storage - this is not a simple procedure. GR need to be transported and stored in special freezers maintaining the temperature regime. What do you think where this regime will abide scrupulously by: the sale of the pharmacy or the sale with it? The most obvious things are usually the most difficult to reach.
And how to identify the signs of quality Human Growth Hormone? Let's try.
- Bottle GH often goes along with the original solvent
- Qualitative GR in Russia comes not only "tens" and in 4 U containers (such conditions for participation in public tenders for the purchase)
- Packaging should be of thick damp-proof cardboard
- The label must be attached to the same (flat) on all bottles from the carton.
- Aluminium part of the cover should be flat (with no trace of hand seamer)
- On the qualitative GR necessarily specified by the manufacturer.
Well, the most famous brands of the market GR:
- The drug is delivered in the Russian Federation and Ukraine only with the end of 2011 the company "Eurofarm". (Since 2006 - before the end of 2011. Jean officially issued because of the scandal associated with its use in sports)
- There is a protective sticker with a unique number and fiber-like on banknotes. After opening number is entered on the manufacturer's website can be found and that there is a "boy". And on your location fiberoptic bundle to coincide with the image in the image fibrovalokon manufacturer.
- Quality packaging
- Ceramic inscription on the bottle
- Two security holograms
- Verification Sticker (numbered from the manufacturer)
- Sticker with a unique number on the inner side. And when you open the sticker will have to unstick and then you will see the number on both sides of the package.
- The presence of a pack a bag with diamond rezkakom
Let's say you buy a ripe it was one of those brands. This solution is reasonable. But there is a probability to buy brand "assembled on the knee" in the adjacent basement.
How not to buy a fake?
- Buy at a pharmacy !!! Or the official distributor.
- See the website for the manufacturer on the package. Not merchant site or preparation and products webpage.
- If there is no such site, so fake (even if the manufacturer on the package specified)
- If the site is listed, go to it and look at what the plant produces drug (company name and contact information).
- If this information is not available, then a fake
- Check the manufacturer's website, whether they produce at a given time, this drug. If not, then it is - a fake.
The main sign of forgery - is its price.
The specifics of the production of GH is very complex and therefore
expensive, so if you see a cheap GR, then too it is likely to run into a
fake. The price for the quality of GR retail = $ 25 10 units. And there is much more expensive and growth hormones.
The degree of purification of the GR related proteins.
Related proteins - a bacterial proteins synthesized by Escherichia coli in the creation of recombinant growth hormone. You remember how we took coliform bacteria Escherichia coli and changed its genotype, learn how to create human growth hubbub? The procedure for the establishment of such products is very popular in the pharmaceutical industry. So made a lot of drugs (not only growth hormone). But the thing ... These bacteria
in addition to the desired substance (GR) was synthesized and quite
right products their livelihoods - related proteins. Everything would be fine. But there is not a pleasant thing called antibodies that reduce the effectiveness of growth hormone over time. You are his tunic, and there is no effect. Most smart ushers in white coats are inclined to the view that antibodies to recombinant growth hormone is almost never. But antibodies to easily form ... related proteins.
Here is when the quality of GH growth is very important. What better the preparation, the better it is cleared of related proteins (from fakes them from 15-18%, and licensed Dzhintropina Dinatropa related proteins and not more than 3%), and thus will be less antibodies generated thereto. This GR will not reduce its overall performance for a long time.
The cheaper you buy growth hormone, the worse it is cleared and thus
the worse it will work for a long course, because it will produce
What else is different good Growth Hormone from low-quality fakes? The water content in the freeze-dried (dry matter). Stringent standards for licensing restrict such content 3% (1% Dzhintropin has, by the way). Less than water, the longer it can be stored growth hormone and better tolerate adverse temperature conditions.
Even the quality of the cover is very important. Cold-resistant rubber cover in Dinatrop allows manufacturers to make more sustainable dry matter (several times) to storage, through the use of low temperatures. Dry Dinatrop can "live" at room temperature for up to half a year !!! And in diluted form to 3 weeks !!! Unlike imitations that day and unable to stand.
But is not the point. Percentage of water and freeze-dried product processing prolongs the life of GH. When buying a licensed drug more likely that there is a "living" growth hormone, even under poor storage conditions.
We talked about branded Gormnonah Growth and how to distinguish them from counterfeits. But once went to a "booze" it would be wise to bring a couple of examples of fakes (Fake). There are three most famous and a lot of "ephemeral". Let us consider first:
The most famous Fakes (COUNTERFEIT GR)
- Getropin «Getropin." This is 100% fake. Rogues have registered a number of domains such as jintropin.cn and jintropin.org and sell loham imitation of growth hormone using a loud brand "Dzhintropin." The official website of the manufacturer "Dzhintropina" even weighs a warning to this effect (that they are not related to these rogues).
- "Blue Tops." It has become a classic of the genre, as a synonym for "lohatrona." The product, which has no name and manufacturer. "Blue Tops" (blue cap) is not a brand, but the popular name for the corresponding color caps on vials. The funny thing is that not scanty crowd of suckers in search of "freebies". People are willing to buy, and who knows what unknown person made. The main thing that is not expensive.
- Nordi ctropin. Forgery under the famous brand goromna Norditropin growth from the Danish Nova Nordisk. In order to avoid being worn out by the courts, the fraudsters have inserted a letter © inconspicuous in the name and are now enjoying a well-deserved no demand for growth hormone poor quality.
Unregistered products are popular because of its price.
Its production is much cheaper than a quality GR because not complied
with all the complicated requirements for such production. Removal of related proteins is minimal and the formation of antibodies to such cheap hormones goes very quickly.Besides transportation unregistered GR also cheap because without a license, there is no obligation to maintain high quality. This
GR driven without complying with the conditions of storage and
transportation (without thermal containers) for a long time by train or
car (not the fastest plane as the original GR). All the while, the substance loses its activity. Who benefits? Buyer? No of course.It is beneficial to producers clandestine preparations. After all, at the expense of poor quality can reduce the price and sell more products. So to make more money.
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