الأحد، 12 أبريل 2015

Program Arnold

We   very often strive to be like their heroes.   By Arnold Schwarzenegger can be treated differently, but even the nuclear skeptic recognizes that   old Arnie got from Bodybuilding MORE than bodybuilding received from him.   Almost half a century has passed since the rising star Schwarzenegger in bodybuilding, and many still admire his physique and want to be more like it to Arnold, not to Jay Cutler and Ronnie Coleman.   Why?
Because his physique was aesthetic.   In large measure, and   well developed.    Looking at him was visible athlete, not a monster, as in modern bodybuilding.   That is what attracted and continues to attract attention to the methods of training ARNOLD despite the fact that they have grown old on half a century.   And today I will try to explain as varied workout Schwarzenegger and his views on training with the advent of time.   Under which programs he started to deal with.   That they change over time. And what are considered the best in the peak of his athletic career.
Now it is very difficult to analyze as actually practiced Arnold from the beginning.   Why?   For two reasons.   First, Arnold had a contract with the magazine of the late Joe Weider (Muscle Fitness Andes) according to which it was necessary to promote the concept of training, Joe, not real training methods that adhere to Arnold.    And secondly, our views on training   develop and change.   Over time, we begin to talk not about how it was in fact a   about how our current opinion, should have been.
  For example, Arnold, in many interviews and journals like to talk about the system of Split (this is when the body is trained for several separate workouts, but not immediately), which actively promoted the old Joe.   It really is a very effective method of training in modern   bodybuilding. But much of its base Arnold laid without using this system ... Just then that in those days, when he started to train split was not available.
 Preserved abundant evidence of this. For example, Helmut Chernichik (coach of the club where he started Arnold)   suggests that athletes in their room training every day for many hours pumping the whole body for one training !!!!   It's telling, and many others athletes who have trained there.
CONCLUSION: Arnie started the whole body under the scheme for one training (without break down of by day) and repeating such exercise every day ...
In fact, this monstrous load that modern athletes even hardly imagine can imagine.   Recall that now often train one or two muscle groups per workout / once a week.   Now imagine that you need to train the entire body for this exercise. Presented?    And what about tomorrow repeat the same thing? And then tomorrow ... And so the whole week without rest ...
Kollosalnyh LOAD!   But that is not all.    After all, if you are trains every muscle, then it takes longer than 1-2 muscles. Right?   This means that Arnold trained for many hours every day. Ie he trained not only a part, but also long.
Such load impose too great demands on reducing possibilities of man.   The vast majority of people are not in a position to move even with steroids.   I am sure that without steroids at all, in principle, possible. For reference: the athletes' 60s was considered the norm vomiting after squats.   People do not think about the fact that the body signals the danger.   It was believed that this is a sign of a good workout.
Why did Arnold was able to grow from such training?   There are four things about which almost do not speak directly, but that explain the success of the young Arnie.   Here they are:
Anabolic steroids were used in those days without compunction all the athletes who have heard about them.   There were no anti-doping movement and drugs were perceived as perceived now sports nutrition. No more no less.   Only thanks to a handful of Nerobolum (methane) that Arnie drink before each workout made possible the growth of its muscles in the face of such excessive stress every day.  
WORK contributed to failure of the principle of overload that is the cornerstone in any athletic sport.    Kurt Marnul (Austrian champion BB), who trained in the same gym as Arnie told him, "When do, thinking of the muscles that you develop, and worked until the pain until you can tolerate until you scream."   Works every time on the verge of pain Arnold reached failure.   And it is an important marker of the limit muscle wasting (overload).   This suggests that there is a chance of achieving a greater stress than the previous workout.    How is it put into practice? Often with the help of cheating (help the entire body to the target muscle).   This is especially the case Schwarzenegger liked to train biceps.
Basic movements is that allowed to grow large muscles of Arnold.   Later, he repeatedly stated that the main mistake of modern bodybuilding is that people do little basic exercises.    In times of a young Schwarzenegger did not have such a wide selection of tools and techniques, as they are now.   Many bodybuilders did the same thing as weightlifters and other net security forces.   Presses, traction, squats,   Jerks, jerks.   This gave an opportunity to lay the foundation of the power of large muscles of Arnold.    For reference, it dostizheneiya:   Tolchek TA = 119 kg, TA = 109 kg jerk, squat = 245 kg,   Mode = 225 kg,   Becomes = 320 kg.   This is talking about?   The fact that there were a lot of basic movements in its program.
PRIORITIES, which was forced to put Arnold, allowed him to pump such as we know it since the film shape.   What are we talking about?   Arnold put priority on developing breast and arms (especially the biceps).    This does not mean that he was not coached shoulders, back or legs. Coached. But the priority was to trump some of the most muscles (chest + BICEPS).   Why? Because   when you need to bleed the entire body in one workout is not physically possible to do it evenly.   Accumulated fatigue. Regenerative capabilities also not rubber.   Even the time limit you the opportunity to practice all the same. Have to put accents.   For example, the most developed muscle groups Arnold is a chest. Why? Because he started training (while fresh) with pumping this muscle group.

 It looked like specific programs at the "Start"
Now it is very difficult to say, because this information is nowhere preserved.   We can only rely on model programs in those years.   Which might look something like this:
"The whole body during exercise"
·         Bench press                    5 * 8-12
·         Bench rod at an angle           5 * 8-12
·         Pulling his head          5 * 8-12
·         Thrust rod in the slope               5 * 8-12
·         Deadlift                                  5 * 8-12
·         Bench press with barbell chest standing            5 * 8-12
·         Thrust rod to the chin          5 * 8-12
·         Wake up to the bar biceps           5 * 8-12
·         Wake up dumbbell biceps         5 * 8-12
·         Famous French press of a bar              5 * 8-12
·         Squats                5 * 8-12
TOTAL: 55 approach.   Even if you do everything quickly (which I'm not sure), this program will take at least 2 hours.    And in fact, I think these programs are carried out within 3-4 hours.   Then it was considered the norm. Do you want to pump up - be ready to spend time and effort.
When similar programs athlete constantly had to put priorities because all the forces will not suffice.   For example, you can do three exercises for chest and then you will have the time and energy only 1-2 exercises for the back, or you can do two exercises for the back and chest, but both muscle groups do not get enough load for growth.    Most often, fans tried to "grab all" for every single workout that perform 3-4 exercises per muscle group most (Chest, Back, Legs) and 2-3 exercises for small (biceps, triceps, shoulders).    Training could be very long.   This is generally not more like muscle development, and the development of endurance.
Add to this the fact that it was decided to do   many   (4-5) working approach in each exercise,   and quite a few (8-15) reps   you have the final picture is drawn then existing training methods.   Monstrous load.
Justifiably, that over time, Arnold was still forced to divide the body into two parts, and train on the same day the first half of the muscles, and the next day the second half of the muscles.   This splitting instantly increase the resources necessary for growth in half.    Firstly, it was possible to train the muscles fresher. And secondly, the body has received an extra day of rest for muscle growth.
When Arnold moved to DOUBLE SPLIT?   Just do not know.   But we know that after the army, when he worked in MYUNHINE double split was used.
Personally, I believe that Arnold intuitively moved to DOUBLE to merge back in Graz (in his first hall).   Most likely it happened somewhere in 1964-1965, because then his muscles   demonstrates a serious "leap" in growth.     I think the first year or two, Schwarzenegger was training for an "all in one body workout", laying the base and increasing the adaptive capacity of the muscles and the body as a whole.   A   somewhere in 1965 moved to the DOUBLE SPLIT (divided into two muscle training).    Specializing in infant and biceps survived, but became more resources to train other muscles too.   By the way circumstantial evidence is that until 1964 Arnold nonexistent other muscles besides the chest and biceps.

It looked like DOUBLE SPLIT ARNOLD in those days?
·         DAY 1:   Chest, back, legs
·         DAY 2:   DELTA, biceps, triceps
Days constantly alternated ie one muscle group trained Schwarzenegger, on average, once every two days (which is better than every day).
About this program already know much more because Arnold trained on it much longer and, moreover, continued to follow its modifications in the United States.   Here is how he often it opisyvael:
DAY 1   (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
  1. Bench press wide grip 5 * 8-12
  2. However, on an incline bench average grip 5 * 8-12
  3. Pullover with a barbell bent hands 5 * 8-12
  4. Pulling his head wide grip 5 * 8-12
  5. Thrust rod in the slope 5 * 8-12
  6. Deadlift with his feet 1 * 10,6,4
  7. Squats on the shoulders of 5 * 8-12
  8. Blurted out with a barbell on your shoulders 5 * 8-12
  9. Bending the legs of the machine 5 * 8-12
  10. Shin in the machine standing 5 * 15
  11. Lifting legs lying horizontally 5 * 25
Day 2 (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday).
  1. Bench press with barbell chest standing 5 * 8-12
  2. Wiring dumbbells in hand standing 5 * 8-12
  3. Bench in the car Smith's 5 * 8-12
  4. Dead Rod with legs straight 5 * 8-12
  5. "Good morning" 5 * 8-12
  6. Lifting the bar on the biceps standing 5 * 8-12
  7. Same with dumbbells alternately sitting 5 * 8-12
  8. Bench press close grip 5 * 8-12
  9. French press of a bar standing 5 * 8-12
  10. Forearm with a bar pickup 5 * 8-12
  11. Same nadhvatom 5 * 8-12
You can see that the program is not so "sweet" as modern.   In every day tucked on 11-Th exercises. And the number of sets and reps also above average.   5-Th 8-12 working sets of repetitions.   This is not to go for the yogurt.
Again catches imbalance in the distribution of the load.   In the 1st day train large muscle groups (chest, back, legs), who need more resources.   And during the 2nd day of trains small muscle groups (Delta, biceps, triceps)   which need significantly fewer resources, but it does not count.   Actually   with such a split Krupnyakov loses exercise and rest, and vice versa KIDS receive excess load.
The training program has continued to evolve Arnold after moving to Munich.    Schwarzenegger first came here to the need to train twice a day.
This has its own logic, because in fact, too, is splitting.   If you do not have the strength to practice good chest and legs on one training, you can train the chest in the morning and evening Legs.   In fact, it's two practice sessions. But the day you   do not lose (all planned to do). 

Most likely this thought Arnold led his idol Reg Park, who invited him to his home in Southern Rhodesia and some time they trained together.   Park has taught Arnold.   He was a supporter of prolonged and frequent training, so forced Schwarzenegger to get up at 5 am and they went with the barbell squat 200 kg.    Reg Park believed that do not need to adjust to the recovery capabilities of the body (the body itself must adapt to the   training).   After returning to Munich from Rega Park   Arnold began to do two or even three workouts a day.   Fanaticism was an exceptional athlete.
As is often look like?      Here's a program:
·         DAY 1.     MORNING = Chest Back,      EVENING = feet, calves, PRESS
·         DAY 2.     MORNING = DELTA   Hand,      EVENING =   CAVIAR, PRESS
·         DAY 7.     RECREATION
Embodiments have been set.   For example, the second day it was possible to train MORNING = HAND,    At lunch = DELTA,   And in the evening = CAVIAR and press.    And Arnold spent several workouts a day.
Now we understand that the load was excessive. That it hampered the possible maximum. But in those days racing technique is very far behind modern.    It was decided to train a lot and often.   In order to train more and harder under these conditions had to spend a few workouts a day.     It is clear that the average person does not have the opportunity to train in this mode.   BUT Arnie deliberately created for itself such possibilities.    In fact, he had already lived as a professional athlete.   His whole life was subordinated to training.
After living in Munich, Arnold makes a move to the United States at the invitation of Joe Weider.   Old Man Joe need fresh characters to sell magazines and techniques.   Arnold - European stars and well-suited to the banner of modern bodybuilding.    Schwarzenegger gets   minimum contract and inviting.   Without hesitation he sits in the plane and takes the next step in his career.     How to change a workout Arnold in sunny California?
The most important change - a TRIPLE SPLIT.   In the US, Schwarzenegger will divide the body into three parts   and began to pump muscle TWICE A WEEK.    Significantly less than at the beginning of their training.    Compare: at the start, he coached every muscle every day, and in the US it came to training each muscle    every three or four days.   Significantly less.
Greatly contributed to this Joe Weider, who advocated a deeper split (splitting muscle by day).   Yes, and Arnold was no longer a boy. During the long years of training, he noticed that two days works better than one, so it is logical that he would try to go for three days instead of two.

 SPLIT looked like?
·         DAY 1:    Chest Back Press
·         DAY   2:   DELTA HAND press
·         DAY 3:     THIGH   DRUMSTICK press
·         DAY 4, 5, 6 = REPEAT   + = 7 DAY HOLIDAYS
  As you can see, this split is already pretty close to what is now prescribed by many coaches his players.   On such a program is already possible to try to grow.   But only on the condition if you do not wake repeat the amount of work that Arnold did each such day.
What's wrong?   Arnold by this time was of top professional.   And it is not in the title.   For 10 years, Schwarzenegger has developed a unique performance and recovery capabilities of their muscles, which allows him to make a monstrous amount of exercise and approaches at each workout.   After all, big muscles - is not just props.    This is a consequence of adaptation to stress.   Arnold used to train long and hard, so his muscles and the body was able to digest very heavy loads.      Here's how the program looks for days:
DAY 1   (Chest, back, press)
  1. Bench press wide grip 5 * 8-12
  2. However, on an incline bench average grip 5 * 8-12
  3. Pullover with a barbell bent hands 5 * 8-12
  4. Pulling his head * 5 8-12
  5. Thrust rod in the slope 5 * 8-12
  6. Deadlift with his feet 1 * 10,6,4
  7. Lifting legs lying horizontally 5 * 25
DAY 2 (delta, hands, press)
  1. Bench press with barbell chest standing 5 * 8-12
  2. Wiring dumbbells in hand standing 5 * 8-12
  3. Traction bar to narrow grip chin 5 * 8-12
  4. Bench sitting on the car Smith's 5 * 8-12
  5. Lifting the bar on the biceps standing 5 * 8-12
  6. Same with dumbbells while sitting 5 * 8-12
  7. Bench press is very narrow grip 5 * 8-12
  8. French press of a bar standing 5 * 8-12
  9. Forearm barbell nadhvatom 5 * 8-12
  10. The same pickup 5 * 8-12
  11. The rise of the body on an inclined board (can be with weight) 5 * 25
DAY 3 (legs, legs and press)
  1. Squats on the shoulders of 5 * 8-12
  2. Lunges with a barbell on your shoulders 5 * 8-12
  3. Bending the legs of the machine 5 * 8-12
  4. Dead Rod with legs straight 5 * 8-12
  5. The slopes of lying ("good morning") * 5 8-12
  6. The rise in the leg vise on the bar 5 * 25
In America Schwarzenegger mostly polished the base, which he has already scored before in Europe.   His hands were over fifty dollars   and he was a very large young man at this time.
But he had a lot of failures both in general terms and in individual muscles.    On the very first competition in the US   he lost dryschu Frank Zayn. Why? Because he was fat, and Frank was dry.   Arnie was great, but flooded and without a clear understanding of how to dry.   He had to work hard on this.

 Also as a result of a specialized load Arnold, a host of weaknesses.     The first is calves. But there were many problems with the press, and   deltas and even back.   All lagged behind the chest and biceps.     By modern standards, Schwartz would be difficult to compete with such imbalances. But in those days it was not as scary as it is now.
Arnold began to work intensively on their laggards places.   In each training session, he added work on the press, which he did not have in Munich.   In addition he was paying more attention to training   deltas.   This resulted in a large number of strides, instead of the traditional presses, which used to do Arnie with youth.  Schwarzenegger begins to make mahi on the delta lying on an incline bench (Vince Gironda that taught) that had never been used.
Superpriemov in training ARNOLD
After moving to the US Schwarzenegger begins to use more and more superpriemov increase the intensity.   I think this is also the influence of Joe Weider, who systematized most of these superpriemov and are often popularized.
Arnold begins to use not previously familiar principles of peak contraction, drop-sets and their favorite SUPER SETS
And Schwarzenegger makes a super-sets (two approaches without rest on muscle antagonists) not only for small muscles (as advised Joe), but also for the study of large muscles.   Arnold likes to bomb a chest + BACK simultaneously.   What, then, was considered excessive load.
Examples of such combinations:
·        Bench  
·        Pull-ups
·        Bench UNDER angle
·        T-ROD
·        wiring with dumbbells
·        ROD rod in the slope
Each exercise Arnie makes 5-Th   approaches.    After the exercises chest exercises should be on his back without rest. This is followed by a break of 60 seconds and repeat "pair"
Interesting DROP-sets which makes Arnold for training biceps.   It takes a lot of weight   (124 kg) and does not rest with the following series of drop weight:
·        1 repeat = 124 kg
·        Repeat 2 = 110 kg
·        Repeat 3 = 90 kg
·        Repeat 4 = 70 kg
·        5 repetitions = 50 kg
"I wanted it to be a surprise for the biceps, so they could not get used to my system training to Use the method" - that says it all about Arnold these drop-sets

The main   features of the training are Arnold: Large amount of load (a lot of exercises, sets and reps)   + part of training (group every day, every other day or twice a week)   + HEAVY BASE (presses, traction, squats) 
Evolution of the program took place on the way splitting into additional training days (first the whole body at once, then the whole body workout for two at the end, all three body workout)
The emphasis in training was put to the infant and Biceps
Favorite superpriemov: " FAILURE "   forced reps, "direct" pyramid " cheating ", supersets, and peak contraction drop-SETS   

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